Our Vineyards


We strongly believe that the first step to obtain a great wine has to come from the vineyards.

For this reason we have chosen a training system that could fit better to the peculiarity of our fields, the Cordone libero, enhancing the natural vigor and  best result of Glera vines. Thanks to this modern training method we can carried out most of the activities mechanically, especially the harvesting. However we have decided to make manual pruning, in order to better control the growth of the vines.

In our 45 acres vineyards we are equipped with Subsurface Drip Irrigation, using most advanced technology in the sector, helping us to avoid vines to be stressed by lack of water and water wasting.

Together with our agronomist, we constantly monitor the product’s microbiological and sensorial properties to the aim of producing top quality Prosecco wine.

Vineyard blooming